Fragging Supplies
Coral Fragging Tools
Raising a coral colony in your own aquarium can be a fulfilling and rewarding pastime, especially if you are able to sustain mother colonies and raise new ones. Jamrock Corals offers a catalog of coral fragging tools and supplies to help you safely separate small sections of coral from the mother colony to either prune it or use the cut section to start a new colony. We carry products such as racks, plugs, tiles, iodine, putty, forceps, glue, cutters, scalpels, and more. If you have any questions at all about our coral colonies and equipment, call our team of experts today to find out more information about our coral fragging tools and find what you need to maintain your reef aquarium!
Aquavitro Straight Shears
BioTek 4" Tiles
BioTek 3" Tiles
Brightwell Lugol's Iodine
Instant Ocean Holdfast Putty
Aquavitro Straight Forceps
Seachem Reef Glue (20g)
Aquavitro Coral Cutters
Aquavitro 40 mm Scalpel
DipX (500ml)
DipX (250ml)